Beaches and coves in Mont-ras
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How to arrive to Mont-ras?
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Platja del Vedell
Platja Del Vedell is located in Mont-ras, in Middle Costa Brava, Baix Empordà county. It's a beach on a natural environnement with a low occupation degree in summer.
Oriented to south east, beach's surface is composed of pebbles, of a grey color.
It's 95 meters length and 15 width.
Cala El Crit
Cala El Crit is located in Mont-ras, in Middle Costa Brava, Baix Empordà county. It's a cove on a natural environnement with a low occupation degree in summer.
Oriented to south east, cove's surface is composed of pebbles, of a grey color.
It's 50 meters length and 15 width.
Cala Font Morisca
Cala Font Morisca is located in Mont-ras, in Middle Costa Brava, Baix Empordà county. It's a cove on a natural environnement with a high occupation degree in summer.
Oriented to south east, cove's surface is composed of pebbles, of a grey color.
It's 25 meters length and 19 width.
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