Holiday home La Barraca Palafrugell

17200 Palafrugell
Molt bé, 8.3
Holiday home La Barraca Palafrugell

Holiday home La Barraca Palafrugell

Recordi: a Costa Brava's sempre el Millor Preu Garantit

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This holiday home is in a very quiet area. It is just 1.5 kilometres from the villages of Calella de Palafrugell and Tamariu and their delightful beaches. These charming seaside villages are on the Costa Brava. within easy reach and in a wooded area. You can enjoy sheer tranquillity there and a very attractive life style. There are plenty of beautiful bays. pleasant bars and restaurants in the area. You can also enjoy many hours relaxing on the holiday home s veranda. The historic city of Girona and the Dali Museum in Figueras are just fifty-three kilometres away. The famous city of Barcelona is 124 kilometres.

Holiday home La Barraca Palafrugell es troba a Palafrugell

Palafrugell es pot visitar la casa natal de l’escriptor Josep Pla (1897-1981) i caminar pel barri antic al voltant de l’església de Sant Martí i del mercat, amb molts bons productes de la zona.

El passat de Palafrugell està associat a la riquesa que va portar la indústria surera. L’interessant Museu del Suro n’és testimoni. També en una antiga fàbrica surera, a Can Mario, s’exposa una excel·lent col·lecció d’art contemporani.

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